Health and Social Care (Level 2)

Examining Body



Content Summary

This course is equivalent to one GCSE. You will develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations, and you will learn to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. You will gain skills extremely relevant to the health and applied science sectors and increase your employability through increased independence and confidence.

The course has three units for assessment:

  1. Principles of care in health, social care and early years settings – an external exam
  2. Supporting individuals through life events – an internal assessment
  3. And one unit from the following (TBC) – an internal assessment
    • Emergency health care
    • Creative and therapeutic activities
    • Health promotion campaigns

What Can I Expect In Lessons?

Lessons will be split between studying content for external exams and completing the internally assessed coursework components. As a large proportion of this course is based on the internal assessments, excellent study skills and determination will be required to be successful.

Calculating GCSE Points

More information on how to calculate GCSE points from Level 2 Vocational Courses can be found here

The Science Department Will:

  • Help you develop your understanding of Health and Applied Science, and how to apply it to real-world situations

  • Assess and develop you to reach and exceed your potential

  • Offer opportunities to gain valuable insights into career pathways

The presentation given by teachers at the GCSE Options Evening can be found here