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Joining Us in Year 12

If you would like to join us in September 2024, applications opened on Monday 18th September.

Applications for year 12 opened on 18th September 2023 

To see if there are spaces on any of our year 12 (Sixth form) pathways, please click here

If you are looking to join us in 2025, applications will open in September 2024. Please keep an eye on our social media and website for further details. You can also express your interest in joining year 12 in 2025 by filling in this form. We will email you once applications open.

Application Form for 2024 EntryDetails of our coursesOur year 12 Open Event will be held on 12th October 2023. We recommend you attend the School before applying if possible. If you were unable to attend the Open Event you can attend a School tour on Wednesday mornings during term time.

Book Open Event

Book at School Tour

Key dates for Year 12 Internal and External applicants: 

  • 18/09/23: Admissions open via the school website
  • 12/10/23: Sixth Form Open Event. 
  • 30/11/23: Applications Close
  • 15/12/23: First Round of Offers Sent Out by Email
  • 10/07/24: Induction Day 
  • 22/08/24: GCSE Results Day and Enrolment

Below, we set out a few important items of information which we hope that you will find useful. 

Summer Work Pack

To help you prepare for your post-16 studies, we have put together a Summer Work Pack.

This will help you gently prepare for Year 12. Please see the links below and select your chosen subject. These can also be a good indication for parents/ carers as well as yourselves of topics that may be studied throughout the year. 

A level Computer Science WorkpackA Level Maths WorkpackA Level Physics WorkpackElectrical Engineering WorkpackEngineering Maths WorkpackMechanical Engineering Workpack


More information about travel to UTCN can be found here.

Bus passes for the UTCN contract bus will be available to purchase on enrolment days or by emailing accounts@utcncst.org. Further information can be found here


If your child has an identified Special Educational Need, has a medical condition or you feel that they will need extra support in lessons, it is important that you make contact with our SENCo, Mr Whitelam via email on keith.whitelam@utcncst.org 

Term Dates

These are available on our website here.

Student Recruitment

We very much hope that your child will be able to start with us in September, however, if for any reason you no longer wish your child to take up their place with us, we would be grateful to hear from you at the earliest opportunity so that we can give your child’s place to another student.

We look forward to seeing you soon, but in the meantime, if you have any queries at all, please contact the Admissions team via email at admissions@utcncst.org

Sixth Form Handbook

Our Sixth Form Handbook can be viewed and downloaded here.