Governing Body

The University Technical College Norfolk Governing Body are:

Name Link Affiliation
Ben Milner (Chair) Sixth Form UEA
Francis Bray (Headteacher)   UTCN
Nicola Finch Safeguarding Safe STS Ltd
Claire Oliff   KLM UK Engineering Limited
Edson Moyo (Maths Teacher)   UTCN
Julie Schofield Pupil Premium UEA
Amy Hanton SEND UTCN Parent
John Harris   Pilot
Lindsey Green Careers UEA

Profiles of all our governors can be found here

Further details of attendance etc. can be found here

The Role of Governor

Within England, there are over 300,000 School/Academy Governors, who form the largest volunteer force in the country. The roles of individual Governors, and subsequently members of a Governing Body, work collectively to perform a strategic role and carry out key functions such as:

  • Discuss and set the aims and objectives for the Academy.
  • Set the required policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Set the required targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress that the Academy is making towards its set aims and objectives.

Finally, the role of role of the Academy Governor is to be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher, i.e. a ‘critical friend.’

The Governing Body may be contacted by:

Letter – c/o UTCN, Old Hall Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6FF

Governance Key Documents