
At UTCN, we take our duty very seriously towards all students entrusted to our care and seek to provide a school environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to.

To contact any member of the team, please email: This inbox is monitored during school hours. For any urgent safeguarding concerns, please contact the school office on 01603 580 280 and ask for the Safeguarding Team.

Alternatively, you can speak directly to a member of our safeguarding team

If you have an urgent mental health concern, please phone 111 and select option 2

Designated Safeguarding Professionals:


  • Mr J Thomas
  • Room UT105
  • Assistant Headteacher & DSL

Sam C

  • Mrs S Cole
  • Room UT021
  • Associate Regional Director & Deputy DSL


  • Miss H Maddison
  • Room UT021
  • Attendance Officer & Deputy DSL

Chair of the LSB Details

Dr Ben Milner
Oldhall Road

Dr Milner can also be contacted via the PA to Headteacher, Alison Howes, on 01603 580280 or

Chair of Community Schools Trust Details 

Ms Phoebe Clapham
C/O Forest Gate Community School
Forest Lane
Forest Gate
London E7 9BB

UTCN Safeguarding Documents

Useful Links & Documents


Website Link

Contact Number


Beat Youth Line

0808 801 0711

Eating disorder helpline


0800 11 11

24 hour helpline

Crime Stoppers

0800 555 111

Crime prevention

Crime Victims

0845 303 0900

Victim support

Digital Lives


Tips for encouraging open discussions about Digital Lives

Grief Encounter

0808 802 0111

Help for bereaved children

Wayne Denner


Protect yourself online

Just One Norfolk

0300 300 0123 or text 07520 631590

Health Advice & Support for Young People


020 7730 3300

Bullying & how to cope

Knife Crime


Information about Knife Crime

Kooth Information


Parent information regarding Kooth


0300 561 0077

Domestic Violence

MAP for Young People

0800 0744454

Mental Health Support

Matthew Project

01603 626123

Alcohol & Substance Misuse

Mental Health Foundation

020 7803 1100

Mental health issues helpline


0300 123 3393

Mental health helpline

My Family Coach


Parenting Support

Nelson’s Journey

01603 431788


No Panic

0844 967 4848

Help with anxiety disorders


0800 800 5000

24-hour child helpline


0845 120 3778

OCD help


0800 088 4141

Young suicide prevention


0300 100 1234

Relationships help


116 123

24-hour suicide prevent line

Stop Smoking

0800 00 22 00

Quitting helpline 9am-9pm

The Benjamin Foundation

01603 615670

Range of services for young people facing challenges

The Proud Trust

0161 660 3347

LGBT and youth support

UK Safer Internet Centre

0344 800 2382

Help keep your child safe online

Young Minds

0800 802 5544

Emotional help

Youth Access

020 8772 9900

Discuss issues confidentially