KS5 PHSE Curriculum Overview
If you have any questions regarding our policy or PHSE programme please contact marisa.pinillos@utcncst.org
Relationships and Sex Education
- Relationship Values
- Consent
- Contraception and parenthood
- Bullying abuse and discrimination
- Relationships including friendships
Health and Well-being
- Self concept
- Health Mind and Well-being
- Health Lifestyles
- Managing risks and personal safety
- Sexual Health
- Drugs, alcohol and tabacco
Careers Education and Finance
- Employability Skills
- Post 18 Destinations
- Student Finance
- Budgeting and Finance
- Work and careers
- Employment rights and responsibilities
- Media literacy and digital resilience
Citizenship and British Values
- Human rights and international law
- Parliamentary democracy
RSE Specific Lesson Content
- Healthy and respectful relationships
- Safe sex including sexual health and contraception
- Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships
- Developing intimate relationships
- Boundaries and consent
- Stereotyping, prejudice and equality
- Body confidence and self esteem
- How to recognise an abusive relationship, including coercive and controlling behaviour
- The concept of and laws relating to sex
- Choices in the law around pregnancy
- What constitutes sexual harassment, and sexual violence and why these are unacceptable
- Teaching about the impact of puberty.