
Level 4/5 Apprentice at Redpack Packaging Machinery

You can find out more about how Curtis impressed the team at Redpack so much during his work placement that they offered him an apprenticeship here


Why did you come to UTCN?

I came to UTCN because I had always been interested in perusing a career in engineering and UTCN was the best route for me to get into it.

What did you like about UTCN?

The best part about UTCN is doing the subjects that I wanted and not just what was available.

Why did you apply for your apprenticeship?

I did not need to apply for my apprenticeship because, after 8 weeks of work experience, Redpack decided they wanted to offer me a level 4/5 apprenticeship.

What do you do in your apprenticeship?

At college  I am doing maths, and various engineering topics such as project management and practical tasks. At work I am working through a series of tasks which will train me in design , machining, electronics, mechanical assembly and many more. Starting from the beginning and making sure everything I do is to the highest possible standard.

What advice would you give current UTCN students?

My advice would be to build as many employer relationships as you can along the way and don’t turn any work down if you don’t have anything else in the bag. If you have interest in a company, contact them and let them know. Later down the line they may have an opportunity for you.