
Level 4 Apprentice Electrical Technician at Proeon Systems Ltd

James graudated from our T Level Engineering programme in 2024

Why did you come to UTCN?

I came to UTCN as it was the only place doing engineering. I believe that engineering is one of the best sectors to be in with the huge range of jobs that an engineering qualification can help you get.

What did you like about UTCN?

While at UTCN I enjoyed the work placement weeks as it gave me the ability to experience working within a job of my choosing and experience a normal working day within the company. This then lead to me changing where I wanted to go post UTCN.

Why did you apply for your apprenticeship?

I applied for my apprenticeship as it was with the company that I had my second work placement with. I found out the it was similar to what I had been doing at UTCN which I had enjoyed.

What do you do in your apprenticeship?

Currently I am in sales for Proeon. However every 3 months I will be moved to a different department. As well as this I am attending a higher education course in engineering at City College Norwich.

What advice would you give current UTCN students?

A bit of advice I would give a current student is to not let your homework build up as it makes it harder to complete it to the best of your ability. Second of all don't only focus on one section of engineering as I initially wanted to go into a career in motorsport but after my 2 years at UTCN I am now at an electrical control system company which is the last place i would have wanted to go at the start of my journey at UTCN