
L4 Engineering Manufacturing Technician Apprentice at Proeon Systems

Why did you come to UTCN?

I came to UTCN after reading that they were providing T-Level qualifications. I moved to Norwich from Luton specially to go to UTCN.

What did you like about UTCN?

The facilities looked excellent and the industry grade  machinery would give me industry experience that would be incredibly valuable.

What do you do in your apprenticeship?

In my apprenticeship I mainly test control panels for electrical safety solutions. This includes testing the hardware and software (mainly PLC’s) I also am trained to fix some of the faults specifically involving hardware such as wiring or specific replacement of components like fuses and circuit breakers.

What advice would you give current UTCN students?

Keep on top of work and studying because letting it pile up will cause heaps of stress come exams. And don’t be afraid to ask questions because 9/10 the teachers will know the answer and if not they will find out and get back to you.