
Apprentice Design Engineer at Aquaterra Energy

Why did you come to UTCN?

I decided to attend UTCN as I have a passion for engineering and wanted to learn more to help my career in the future. When I was looking at colleges for an engineering course, I found out that UTCN has one of the best engineering courses to help me reach the opportunities I wanted. I was also aware of the great connections the college has with engineering businesses.

What did you like about UTCN?

I really liked what UTCN was offering with their Level 3 Engineering course and the opportunities for work experience with many of the great businesses they are partnered with.

Why did you apply for your apprenticeship?

I applied for my apprenticeship as I have an interest in design engineering, it was a great opportunity to do something I would enjoy doing and continue to learn about more each day.

What do you do in your apprenticeship?

In my apprenticeship I am a design engineer. So, I use CAD programs such as Solidworks and AutoCAD to create 3D models and engineering drawings.

What advice would you give current UTCN students?

To make the most of the opportunities UTCN offers to their students. This includes the knowledge and help tutors can offer during their studies but also the connections with amazing engineering businesses. This can be a massive help for students in need of work experience or helping get a foot in the door when looking for opportunities after college such as apprenticeships.