UTCN   33 of 131


2023 Key Stage 4 (end of Year 11) results


  • Attainment 8 point score: 47.92

• Adjusted**  Progress 8 score: +0.40

  • **The DfE Progress 8 measure looks at student progress from the end of Year 6 to the end of Year 11. As UTCs only have students for 20 out of the 60 months of this period, we calculate our own Progress 8 Score using nationally recognised GL Assessment Data.

• DfE Progress 8 score (includes 3 years spent at previous schools): +0.07

  • (2022: -0.71) (2021 -0.19)  (2020: -0.01) (2019: -1.04)

• % of pupils were entered for the English Baccalaureate: 1.8%

  • (2022: 1.6%) (2021: 0%) (2020: 1.4%) (2019: 0%)
  • The EBacc figure shows the percentage of students in traditional academic subjects including a language and history or geography. The English Baccalaureate does not include technical subjects and so whilst it is available, very few of our students choose to follow it, preferring to study subjects such as Engineering which are more relevant to the 21st century.



Results in 2021 are not directly comparable with previous years as a different approach to grading was adopted by OFQUAL in light of the cancellation of the Summer 2021 examinations. However, at UTCN, we will feel that we applied a fair and thorough process in the determination of our grades and include these results here.

Whilst 2020 and 2021 results are not included in DfE performance tables, UTCN has consistently shown itself to be one of the highest performing UTCs in the country. In 2018, we had the 3rd best Basics score nationally and the 6th best Progress 8 score of all 48 open UTCs. You can see our results and compare them to other schools by clicking on this link.

2023 Key Stage 5 (end of Year 13) results

  • The overall A* to C pass rate (including A Level equivalents) is 71% 
  • The average grade that students achieved in their technical subjects is a Distinction
  • The average grade that students achieved in their A Level subjects is a C

A list of the destinations of Year 13s is available here.

Results in 2021 are not directly comparable with previous years as a different approach to grading was adopted by OFQUAL in light of the cancellation of the Summer 2021 examinations. However, at UTCN, we will feel that we applied a fair and thorough process in the determination of our grades and include these results here.

Whilst 2021 results are not included in DfE performance tables, UTCN has consistently shown itself to be one of the highest performing UTCs in the country and a strong performer in local terms.

Performance Tables

You can see our results and compare them to other schools by clicking on this link: school and college performance tables service.